purpleKarrot Gedankenexperimente

Building and Testing with CMake

There are too many ways to build and test a project with CMake. On the other hand, there is too little knowledge out there about those ways. As a consequence, people wrap the CMake invocation in custom scripts written in Bash, Python, Typescript etc.

Just look at the Jenkins configuration in your company. Look at different implementations of GitHub actions/workflows for CMake. I bet what you will find is a complete framework with custom abstractions of core utilities, version control systems, the CMake command line, the actual build system, and more.

Looking at the commands that actually perform the steps for configuring, building, and testing, it is very likely that you see those:

mkdir -p $build_dir
cd $build_dir
cmake -G Ninja $source_dir
ninja test

I assume you know that CMake can create the build directory and provides an abstraction for invoking the actual build system. You should also know that the test target essentially just runs ctest. So you could simplify and generalize the above commands to this:

cmake -G Ninja -S $source_dir -B $build_dir
cmake --build $build_dir
ctest --test-dir $build_dir

But did you know that CTest already provides a command line abstraction to execute the three steps?

ctest --build-and-test $source_dir $build_dir \
  --build-generator Ninja --test-command ctest

Don’t ask me why the above command stops after the build step when --test-command ctest is omitted. After all, this mode is called “build and test”, so just executing ctest would be a sane default when no test command is explicitly set by the user.

Anyway, there is more. CTest also provides abstractions for the version control system, coverage analysis, and memory ckecking. But here be dragons. There are, believe it or not, four different ways to configure CTest as a dashboard client:

  1. CTest Command-Line
  2. Declarative CTest Script (undocumented)
  3. CTest Module
  4. CTest Script

In the first approach, the command-line flag -D or a combination of -M and -T is used to control which steps to execute. The actual logic that is executed for those steps is controlled through a configuration file called DartConfiguration.tcl which is read from the current working directory.

Note that the documentation claims that this approach works in an already-generated build tree. This is not true in all cases. What is definitely needed, is that the source repository is already checked out.
While the source directory can be updated, it cannot be initialized with this approach. We will get back to those details later. For now, copy the following content into a file called DartConfiguration.tcl:

SourceDirectory: Example
BuildDirectory: Example-build
UpdateCommand: git
ConfigureCommand: cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS_INIT=--coverage ..
MemoryCheckCommand: valgrind

Make sure that Example is a directory next to the DartConfiguration.tcl file and contains a local clone of a git repository. Then execute the following:

ctest -M Experimental \
  -T Start \
  -T Update \
  -T Configure \
  -T Build \
  -T Test \
  -T Coverage \
  -T MemCheck

Observe in the output that ctest updates the repository to the latest revision, configures the project, builds it, runs the tests, analyzes the coverage, and finds some memory leaks.

In the second approach, the DartConfiguration.tcl file is replaced with a file written in the CMake syntax:

set(CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY "/home/dpfeifer/Example")
set(CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY "/home/dpfeifer/Example-build")
set(CTEST_COMMAND "ctest")
set(CTEST_CVS_CHECKOUT "gh repo clone Example")

The name of the file does not really matter. I use the name CTestScript.cmake and invoke ctest like this:

ctest --script CTestScript.cmake --verbose

Remember that, with the previous approach, it was impossible to initialize the source directory? With this approach, it is possible via the CTEST_CVS_CHECKOUT variable. Despite the name, this variable can be used to checkout a repository with any version control system, as shown in the example. However, updating probably only works with CVS.

What is worse, is that this approach basically just handles the update, configure, and test steps. Yes, the project is not even built before running the tests. I wonder if anyone finds this useful.

Why am I even mentioning this approach when it is so barely useful? Because it can get in the way when you don’t expect it. I will get back to that.

The third approach also allows setting variables in the CMake syntax. Not in a separate file, but in the top level project’s CMakeLists.txt file, right before include(CTest). This module internally calls configure_file to place DartConfiguration.tcl into the build tree.

Now, it becomes clear why the documentation claims that ctest may be invoked with command-line flags -D, -M, and -T in an already-generated build tree: Because the CTest module places DartConfiguration.tcl there. It also becomes clear under which circumstance it does not work as advertized: When the project does not include(CTest)!

But when a project does include(CTest), it will get several custom targets like ExperimentalCoverage that will execute ctest -D ExperimentalCoverage.

The last approach uses the same file and command-line as the second one. The difference is that the build-and-test logic is scripted with CTest commands:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14)

set(CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY "/home/dpfeifer/Example")
set(CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY "/home/dpfeifer/Example-build")
find_program(CTEST_GIT_COMMAND "git")
find_program(CTEST_COVERAGE_COMMAND "gcov")
find_program(CTEST_MEMORYCHECK_COMMAND "valgrind")

cmake_host_system_information(RESULT NPROC QUERY NUMBER_OF_LOGICAL_CORES)

  set(CTEST_CHECKOUT_COMMAND "gh repo clone Example")

ctest_configure(OPTIONS -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS_INIT=--coverage)
ctest_build(PARALLEL_LEVEL ${NPROC})
ctest_memcheck(PARALLEL_LEVEL ${NPROC})

This is the only approach that can both initialize and update the source directory. It is also the only approach that allows you to execute the same step more than once. Imagine you want to use a multi-config generator and then run ctest_build for each configuration. It gives full control over the logic what steps to run under what conditions. Imagine you want to run the expensive memory checking only when the build finishes without warnings, as the warnings may already indicate memory issues. The possibilities are endless.

How does ctest --script distinguish between “CTest Script” mode and the dreaded “Declarative CTest Script” mode?

At the beginning of the script, CTest implicitly sets the variable CTEST_RUN_CURRENT_SCRIPT to 1. Each of the ctest_* functions sets the variable to 0. When this variable is still 1 at the end of the script, CTest assumes that none of the ctest_* functions have been called. However, when the ctest_* functions are called from inside a scoped block, there may be cases when the variable is unchanged. In such cases, it is necessary to explicitly set(CTEST_RUN_CURRENT_SCRIPT 0).

My recommendation to everyone who wants to setup a CI system for CMake projects is to use a CTest Script. For an example GitHub action built using a CTest script have a look at purpleKarrot/cmake-action.

The fact that there are so many different approaches to the same use case is an issue in my optionion. Also, the user experience of the CTest scripts needs to be improved. I have some ideas how those issues can be addressed. I will write about them in a follow up.